Prof. Stefan Bryła Award for Artur Zbiciak, PhD, DSc

The celebration of the 17th National Congress of PZITB Delegates (Polish Union of Civil Engineers and Technicians)  took place on 1 - 3 June 2012. At the time of the meeting it was the presentation of the Prof. Stefan Bryła Award for Artur Zbiciak, PhD, DSc.

This prize is awarded for the scientific and engineering achievement in the field of building construction. The award has been established in order to highlight the importance of this work, incentives for their conduct and the recognition and dissemination of scientific achievements. This award has a long tradition, and the patrons are individuals having a contribution to the Polish construction industry as great engineers, the authors of valuable scientific achievements and educators of many vintages of students.





Warsaw University of Technology




6th International Conference
on Artificial Intelligence
and Applied Mathematics in Engineering
(ICAIAME 2024)
September 26-28, 2024, Warsaw, Poland
The 4th International Conference on Sustainable Development in Civil, Urban and Transportation Engineering,
October 14th–17th 2024, Wrocław, Poland
